Factoring company
For Freight Brokers

Let take care of you and your carriers,
So you can grow your business.
As a freight broker, your job is to get goods from point A to point B. You serve as the intermediary between your customers and the truck companies transporting products. If your business is bogged down by slow-paying shippers, you need reliable and transparent freight factoring to help you get paid quickly. You need FactorLoads.
We work with small- and medium-sized freight brokerages to help manage freight invoices and get you quicker access to cash. That means paying your carriers sooner and building a solid relationship founded on reliability and trust.
Give us a call now to see how we can save you money over your current factor.
There can be many reasons why you’re having a hard time getting payment from your carriers:
Customers who drag their feet making payments
Carrier cashflow problems (due to their own invoicing issues)
Problems with routes and weather conditions delaying deliveries
Issues with truck breakdown or equipment failure
In the end, it doesn’t matter what the reason is for delayed payments for your freight factoring. The end result is the same: you’re stuck without the cash you need. As a small broker, you count on consistent cash infusions to keep your own clients happy and to grow your business. You need cash to recruit new customers — and a few late payments (30, 60 or even 90 days) can really hamper your business.
That’s where our team here at FactorLoads comes in. As a leading factoring company for freight brokers, we combine a long list of benefits and advantages that you won’t find elsewhere.
What is
Freight broker factoring?
Factoring for freight brokers is when a factoring company purchases unpaid freight bills and advances cash to your freight brokerage. At FactorLoads, we collect payment and pay the carriers for you. This means less time chasing receivables and more energy and resources to:
- Focus on day-to-day operations.
- Build your clientele.
- Repair equipment.
- Grow your freight brokerage.
understanding freight
factoring services
Choosing the right freight factor for your freight brokering company comes down to knowing what you should look for. The best factoring companies for brokers give you the tools to succeed, help you with back–office support and make sure your carriers get paid fast.
Don’t settle for anything less than:
Full back-office support
Detailed accounting reports
Assistance with tax filing
Cash advances available 24/7
Access to your cash when you need it
Freedom from restrictive contracts
Support finding roadside assistance
Don’t settle for anything less.
Your freight brokering company needs flexible access to cash according to your schedule. Stop letting your clients and co-signees dictate when you’ll get paid. Harness the power of our industry-leading invoice factoring services for the freight brokering industry. We tailor our services to the unique needs and expectations you have and won’t lock you into a complicated and costly plan that doesn’t suit your business.
Let us handle the stress for you.
Spend less time worrying about your back-office paperwork and invoicing and let us do it for you. With over 20 years’ experience in the industry, our team won’t waste any time reviewing your current contracts and determining where we can help make improvements. Above all else, we’ll get your cash to you right away so you can put it into your day-to-day operations, repairing your equipment, finding new customers or wherever you feel your cash is best spent.
factorloads facotring services
for freight brokers?
When you trust FactorLoads with your freight bill factoring, we make the process simple by providing unparalleled services for freight brokers. As a leading factoring company for freight brokers, we combine a long list of benefits and advantages that you won’t find elsewhere.
- Cash right away: As a small to midsize broker, you count on consistent cash infusions to keep your own clients happy and grow your business. Stop chasing after customers who haven’t paid in 30 to 90 days or more. Let FactorLoads do the legwork for you.
- Back-office support for accounts receiving: Our team has the experience necessary to take care of all of your back-office factoring work and streamline the entire process with your customers.
- Invoice factoring: Stop letting clients and co-signees dictate when you’ll get paid. Spend less time worrying about your back-office paperwork and invoicing. Harness the power of our industry-leading invoice factoring for freight brokers, and let us do it for you.
- No contracts: We tailor our services to your unique needs and expectations you have and won’t lock you into a complicated and costly plan that doesn’t suit your business.
- Contract reviews: You may be tied into contracts that are difficult to understand or renegotiate. Our experts can review your contract to uncover hidden fees and other factors that will bind you to less-than-favorable terms. Minimums, holdbacks, limits on support, fluctuation rates — let us read the fine print for you.
- 24/7 factoring assistance: Our full factoring services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Benefits of
Working With FactorLoads
Assistance with tax filing: We provide detailed tax documents and accounting reports.
No contracts or obligations: Freight brokerages work with us for our excellent services — not because they’re bound to a contract.
Competitive flat rates and no hidden fees: We offer a flat rate that does not change, so you always know what to expect.
Same-day setup: Choose FactorLoads and benefit from our freight bill factoring service right now.
No reserves or monthly minimums: We pay you upfront with no reserve or monthly minimums to manage.
24/7 unlimited FREE credit checks: Need a credit check? No problem.
Cash within minutes of delivery: We don’t waste time getting you your money.
Spot factoring: Choose what loads you want to factor.
Fuel and maintenance discounts: Pass along excellent savings opportunities to your carriers.
FactorLoads database access: Use our database to determine a customer’s preapproval status.
Custom factoring program: We design our services around your company’s needs.
Complimentary load board access: These broker-specific tools are ideal for load posting and carrier finding.
Connect With FactorLoads About Your Brokerage Needs
Start your partnership with FactorLoads, and let us show you how our services can help you build your business. Contact us online for a free quote.