What Is a Lumper?

What Is a Lumper?

In the trucking industry, a lumper is an individual who loads or unloads cargo from a truck once it arrives at a warehouse. Freight brokers, carriers, shipping companies or warehouses often use a third party to hire lumpers. Hiring lumpers makes things easier for...
Questions to ask a Freight Factoring Company

Questions to ask a Freight Factoring Company

Selecting the right truck factoring partner is critical to your success. Many freight bill factoring companies are run by bankers who factor for a variety of industries. They don’t understand your business as well as a trucking specialist like FactorLoads, who was...
Can Canadian Truck Drivers Work in the USA?

Can Canadian Truck Drivers Work in the USA?

The United States and Canada share one of the largest borders of any two countries in the world, and naturally, that means a lot of commerce is exchanged between the two. In fact, Canada and the U.S. trade more than $2 billion in goods and services every...
18 Benefits of Being a Truck Driver

18 Benefits of Being a Truck Driver

Should you become a truck driver? Many people have asked that question while scanning prospective fields in the job market. Whether you are just now entering the workforce or contemplating a career change, the idea of being a truck driver might come with mixed...